I love those videos of her singing that day, I thought she was soooo prettyy :} And when she sang with Bret Michaels oh, it was great. But yeah this is my fav cause her eyes look just incredible and you can see her rings, that she always wears that are always as amazing. Then the leather jacket is just pure awesomeness and her hair is done perfectly! But as you must know, there's sooo many pictures that could be my favorite, but I wanted like a newish picture.
Then to the other stuff: Demi was released from rehab, or left, whatever. When I read about it I just jumped all around my boyfriends room from the happiness. I felt the best I have the whole weeks, thanks to this stupid illness I have. But yay Demi <3
Also, I really don't understand all this freaking out about Justin's Never say never movie. Alright, so I'm not even sure if it'll come to Finland, but Jonas movie came so why wouldn't it? But I don't understand why EVERYONE is talking about it, and there's a new clip from the movie EVERYDAY. I feel like I've seen the movie already. How about you? You waiting for the movie?
How the heck am I supposed to decide between two of my favorites Breakout & Can't Be Tamed? Okay so my favourite album is Breakout and the reason is that it never get's old, I love every single song on it. Seriously, there's no bad songs, just great ones.
I'd have to say that my absolute favorite song from Miley is Stay from Can't Be Tamed. Like I could say some Breakout song as well, but when I listen to Miley's songs and think about the memories and all I get from the songs, Stay just comes first. So when I think about Stay I think about last summer when Can't Be Tamed was released and how I bought it the first day and listened trough it about five hundread times. Also I made my boyfriend listen to it too and my whole family. And around that time my boyfriend was leaving to his military service and I spent my days listening to Stay. Also my first published fanfiction started out with Stay, when I started to play around the idea of Nick thinking the song is about him, but realizing Miley's now with Liam. And yeah if you want to read it my penname is Ainokki. But yesh, I'd say Stay is my favorite from Mi.
Day 01 - Favorite Miley Song
Day 02 - Favorite Miley Album
Day 03 - Favorite Miley picture
Day 04 - Favorite outfit Miley has worn
Day 05 - Favorite Miley photoshoot
Day 06 - Favorite Miley music video
Day 07 - Favorite Miley quote
Day 08 - Favorite song Miley does live
Day 09 - Favorite Miley lyrics
Day 10 - Favorite scene in Hannah Montana, the Movie
Day 11 - Favorite Miley tweet
Day 12 - Favorite Miley GIF
Day 13 - Favorite duet Miley has done with someone
Day 14 - Favorite Miley hair-do
Day 15 - Favorite twitpic Miley had posted
Day 16 - Favorite Miley interview, television
Day 17 - Favorite Miley interview, magazine
Day 18 - Favorite Miley red carpet picture
Day 19 - Favorite Miley YouTube video
Day 20 - Favorite picture of Miley and Mandy
Day 21 - Favorite picture of Miley and family
Day 22 - Favorite picture of Miley performing
Day 23 - Favorite fan-made Miley Video
Day 24 - Favorite role Miley has played
Day 25 - Favorite character in Hannah Montana
Day 26 - Favorite scene in Last Song
Day 27 - Favorite episode of Hannah Montana, Season 1
Day 28 - Favorite episode of Hannah Montana, Season 2
Day 29 - Favorite episode of Hannah Montana, Season 3
En tiedä miksi, mutta jostain kumman syystä viimeisen muutaman kuukauden aikana Demistä on muotoutunut mulle uusi pakkomielle. Aina Demi on ihana ollut, mutta viimeisen vuoden aikana oon päässyt yli mun Camp Rock kammoksumisesta ja alkanut tykkäämään Demistä. Listaan tässä mun lemppari jutut Demistä.
1. Bitch is hot as hell. Seriously, en ymmärrä miten joku noin kaunis ihminen voi olla itsestään niin epävarma, mutta toisaalta showbisnekessä paineet on varmaan aika kovat.
2. Demi's gonna show who's the boss of 2011. For real, jos joku ei usko, että 2011 on Demin vuosi niin voi suksia ihan juuri sinne minne ajattelittekin. Demi voitti eilen kaksi PCAta toisen Gren Anatomian vierailusta ja toinen meni Camp Rock kakkoselle. Jos Demin albumi ilmestyy tänä vuonna&kiertue onnistuu, it's gonna blow your mind.
3. Friendships. Nick Jonas, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus do I need to say more? Laitan kuvia, koska ne kertoo enemmän. Vaikkei Selena&Demi enään ookkaan hyvissä väleissä ja vaikka en jaksa uskoa, että Demi&Miley&Selena olisi ikinä ollut sydänystäviä niin niistäkin on kuvia. Myös Joesta vaikka bitch broke my girls heart.
4. Her music. I mean mua ei kiinnosta jatkaako Demi vanhalle johnmayerish linjalla vai lähteekö mukaan tähän tanssittavampaan meininkiin, koska rakastan Demiä silti. Mun musiikkimaku on onneks sen verran laaja, että varmasti rakastan kumpaa vaan sieltä tulee. Vaikea sanoa mitkä ovat mun ultimate lempibiisit Demiltä, koska ne vaihtelee niin usein. Laitan tähän parin tällä hetkellä eniten natsaavan biisin youtube videot livenä/musavideo.
Ihana biisi, Demi on loistava livenä.
Demi&Nick teki ihanan biisin yhdessä, mutta vielä super kiva että ne laulokin sen yhdessä. Hitto oon kateellinen niille jotka näki tän livenä plus ihan ylipäätänsä, että ne pääsi Demin ja Jonas Brothersien keikalle.
It's MC D freakin Love. Mun alterego perjantai iltaisin. Tykkään siis esitellä itseni MC D Lovena. Koska u know loistava. Oisin laittanut live version tästäkin, mutta harmikseni ne on kaikki paskalaatusia. :(
Voisin linkata tähän noin tuhat muutakin biisiä/videota, mutta ajan puutteessa etenen kohtaan viisi.
5. Demi related fanfiction. Ei suoranaisesti Demiä fanittaen,mutta ainakinhahmot perustuu Demiin. Otan lainauksena itsekkäästi omasta ficistäni lainauksia, enhän haluaisi kenenkään muun työtä olla kunniottamatta ja kopoioida ilman lupaa.
Dear Miley
I have tolerated a lot from you for the past two years. I was your friend trought the video of me and Selena and everything. And you were there for me when I broke up with Joe, I just I don't think we can make it as friends anymore. It'll be too hard for me to watch you and Joe together. I thought it was a mistake between the two of you, but clearly you just lied to me. I can't believe you would do this to me. And for your information me and Nick are not dating, well I think you already knew that much.
I always thought you and Nick were meant to be, you always had that something. I hope you don't ruin everything with Nick just because Joe. I hope that someday I'll be over Joe and be friends with you again, but right now it's just too much. I love you, you are my best friend and I never expected a guy to come between us.
Love, Demi
(Jos kiinnostui heräsi, mun ficcejä pystyy lukemaan tälläisestä osoitteesta: http://www.fanfiction.net/~ainokki valitettavasti kaikki on englanniksi, mutta jos lukijoita löytyy voin ehkäpä kirjoittaa suomeksikin, koska materiaalia kyllä löytyy)
Lopetan tän postauksen parilla kuvalla Demistä. Ja sitten pääsin aloittaa tuollaisen 30 päivän Demi kysely asian joka postaan tänne. Puspus. Ylempi kuva is what a real friendship looks like. Love.