
Day 12 - Favorite Miley GIF

Funny story about this one: I linked this to facebook and like a week after I was with my grandfather and he said something like "The video of you laughing is really nice." Took me a while to realize that he meant this one. And took a while explain that in fact it was Miley and not me in that video :') But she's sooo happy, i love that laugh


Oh My Jonas

.. and Demi and Miley and yeah.

My obsession is getting worse everyday. Today I sat on my computer @work and ate my lunch and I was watching Miley's o2 concert. I cried the whole time.. I think it has something to do with my hormones. Shouldn't being a fan be a nice thing a good thing, something that gives you strenght? I think sometimes I hate the fact that I might never see any of them live that I just want to stop liking them.

And even though I know my loving them might get 'too much' at times, it still hard every single time when someone ways "what's wrong with you?" I usually just say something like "haha I knoww, I'm obsessed", but when reality is I just love their music and everything about them so freaking much. And I don't and will never care if someone doesn't like me because of my likes, cause there will always be people who do get it. With my bestfriends its hard, but I try not to speak about Jonas and all that when I'm with them.

Anyway, why am I writing about this? I tweeted about my first Jonas Brothers song I loved. And how that moment changed my life. It was September I think, and I was having the wrost day every, some problem with my exboyfriend or something like that, or I think I was missing him. And this was a few years back. So I was walking outside and it was pouring rain and Sorry started playing on my iPod. I had never heard the song before, and I didn't even know who sang it, it I had known I would've changed the song. But I listened to the lyrics and though how much those lyrics told exactly how I felt.

I'm sorry for breaking all the promises, that I wasn't around to keep, you told me this time is the last time that I will ever beg you to stay, but you're already on your way.

 After the song played once, I listened trough it the second time and again, and again, and again. At somepoint I realized how amazing those voices singing were and yeah from that we come to this day. Though I wasn't as big of a fan before as I am now. This worst phase has been going on for a year and a half now. :) As long as I've been with my current boyfriend that is haha! So almost two years soon O___o

Just had to get this out of my head, bye

ps. I'm loving dark curls, okay I've always loved them. Before Nick J, I think I fell in love with them cause of my ex booyfriend who had the most amazing curls. And then Nick J just made me love those even more. I think when my boyfriend gets away from his military service and can grow his hair again I'll start dyeing it dark. Cause he had those Nick J curls <3 Yay.

Day 11 - Favorite Miley tweet

Okay, so I had to google Miley's tweets cause I joined twitter after she deleted hers. That's also the reason why I don't need for her to come back, cause I never was there to see it. When Demi deleted hers it was like end of the world for me. I guess if she ever comes back I'll see. But yeah I didn't find many, but these are really good ones. Especially the first one. Yuh.


Now the past is come alive, and given a meaning and a reason, to give all I can to believe once again

Buffy The Vampire Slayer is the best series ever made. And that's a fact, there's no discussion about it. There's a lot of good series out there, I know cause I've seen most of them. But Buffy is the only series I can watch over and over again. When I was like 10 or 11 or something, I used to watch Buffy all the time. I've seen the first season like 10 times. Every two years I've watched all the episodes again from the beginning to end. This year I've done it with Lauri, my boyfriend, who used to hate Buffy, but I just forced him to watch it and now he actually likes it, haha.

This isn't the first series we've watched together. Before Buffy, I introduced him to How I Met Your Mother and Chuck. It's nice to have series that we can watch together.

Anyway I didn't want to talk about us, I jsut wanted to let ya'll know that Buffy is amazing and if you already haven't, you should go watch it now. Also I used to have a blog where I spoke about different tv series and the new episodes and all or old episodes if I hadn't seen the series before. I'm thinking writing those kind of things here or then i'm gonna just do a new blog. So that this blog would only be about Miley & Demi and my stupid life and well all these things. Well let's see.